I Have Thinning Hair: Can I Still Get a Hairpiece?

Men often associate the use of a toupee with total baldness. However, you do not need to shave your head or wait until it is barren. For one thing, people use this accessory for all kinds of reasons, such as costuming or amusement. For another, concealing moderate hair loss is, in fact, one of the most common reasons people get one.
Balding is not a requirement for enjoying the benefits of a hairpiece, but using real hairpieces for thinning hair is more common than you may think. Here is some information on the nature of thinning hair and what hairpieces can do.
What Exactly is Thinning Hair?

Thinning hair is also known as moderate hair loss. Both terms refer to a biological phenomenon in which certain follicles in certain parts of one’s head stop producing new hair. After some time, this condition manifests in the appearance of spots on the head where less hair is present. It does not necessarily result in total baldness, but it still means having less than a full head of hair. If you face this issue, you are not alone. Tens of millions of Americans deal with this in their lifetime.
Medical researchers have discovered many different potential causes of thinning hair. It can be the result of lifestyle choices and circumstances, ranging from a lack of follicle-fueling nutrients to overuse of hair treatment products to an overabundance of stress hormones. Biological causes may include eating disorders, hormonal shifts, skin infections, or just plain genetics.
Using Hairpieces for Thinning Hair
Of course, hairpieces do not exactly treat the cause of thinning hair – they simply make your hair appear fuller. If you’re seeking a cure, there are plenty of treatments on the market. However, the selection largely consists of home remedies, as well as products that only work for certain causes of hair loss. Many of them are on the pricy side, and few of them have much evidence of their effectiveness. Even if you choose to try any, you will still have thinning hair for a potentially long stretch of time.

This means that despite the wide range of treatments available, many people still purchase hairpieces for thinning hair on top. When confronted with their appearance while thinning, they decide that they simply prefer how they look with a full head of hair. Modern, high-quality hair systems look and feel similar to how their hair used to be. Those that fit on the scalp particularly well can better conceal the hairpiece’s knots. In this regard, hairpieces for thinning hair do not cure the issue, but rather make it a nonissue.
If you want real hairpieces for thinning hair, Hollywood Lace has anything and everything you could want. Concealing the effects of this condition is our specialty, and our part and crown hairpieces for thinning hair are all high-quality and effective. Naturally, you can also use our hair systems for any reason you can imagine. We cover all our customers’ needs just as our products can cover your scalp.